Chess and character

Your character can be influenced by many different things that you come in touch with during your life. Of course, there is a powerful, immutable influence that your genes exert on how you will behave and what kinds of preference you will have. But it’s still very important for you to know to move around in the jungle of your emotions and needs. So, the game of chess is a powerful game that can teach you all sorts of different things about life itself. You can use the game of chess to improve your character in many different ways – read below and find out.

Chess and Character – First of all

The first thing that chess can change about your character is to improve your lack of discipline. When left on their own, people tend to be very lazy, especially if they have no life-need to do something. Well, if you truly wish to get good at the game of chess, then you will have to work at it very frequently. You will realize that there is no progress for you to make if you only play once every two weeks. You will also realize that your progress speeds up if you play chess on a daily basis. So, by wanting to truly become good in chess you will significantly improve your level of discipline.

Next off, you will learn the trait of persistence. Chances are that your career in chess – scratch that – it’s certain that in your career in chess you will face difficulties. Even though you may be very disciplined, you will eventually find out that your progress is very slow, even non-existent. Most people would quit here and mention some excuse for it, such as that they are simply not intelligent enough to play or that they have no time to dedicate to the game. But if you wish to work on your character, then you will learn persistence. If you persist and work on your issues in chess, you will eventually bust out of your weakness and you will transcend your previous level of skills and knowledge of the game.

Why proactivity is key

Proactivity is an important trait that may do wonders for you in life. Well, you’re in luck, because this is exactly what you will be able to work on at the game of chess. If you do the same things all of the time you will realize that your opponents get a feel for your game and that they begin to find your weak spots. This is not so easy if you switch things up often enough – this will confuse your players and they will try in vain to look for your weak spots. If you’re proactive enough and implement new things while learning new strategies, then your opponents won’t be able to deal with you.

So, you can see that the game of chess can have a very powerful influence on your character and how you hold yourself in life. We think that you can have fun and still learn a lot of things while playing chess. Get right to it!